"Chicago Blues Heaven" war »[…] so etwas wie ein Glücksgriff für den Chicago Blues-Fan. […]«
"Chicago Alley Blues" folgt dem Vorgänger in bestechender Weise.
Da kann man sich hoffentlich schon auf eine Fortsetzung einstellen.
Die Eddie Kold Band feat. Larry 'Doc' Watkins und der Chicago Blues sind wie Blutsbrüder., Joachim Brookes
“It sounds like Eddie Kold was quite pleased when he was in Chicago for the recordings of ‘Chicago Alley Blues’. In terms of style, it became an extension of his previous album and, for fans of Chicago blues, an absolute “must”! We are waiting for a follow-up, because this tastes like even more handsome from Windy City…“ (ESC for
Eric Schuurmans
I like the way the songs have a traditional feel to them, with a couple of the songs having an up to date theme to them. “Too Hot” is a song dealing with climate change and “Smart City Blues” is about surveillance on the internet. I loved the guitar of Tom Holland on Bo Diddley’s “Before You Accuse Me” and Omar Coleman’s harmonica playing. The laid back feel of “Just A Dream” is very well handled by the band.
“Suicidal Blues” has a very hypnotic feel with an engaging piano played by Millie Meckback keeping the hypnotic beat going, with some really nice laid back blues guitar from Eddie. “Blues Man” a tale of the life of a modern Blues artists features “Bernard Allison playing some very nice melodic guitar. “Gimme Back My Money” written and sung by Charlie Love is great.
Overall a good album with some great guests helping Eddie achieve a very creditable Soulful Blues album.
Dave Thomas,
'Chicago Alley Blues' surpasses the very well received CD 'Chicago Blues Heaven', which the band released two years ago and that is an achievement in itself. - Martin van de Velde,
Unsere CD "CHICAGO BLUES HEAVEN", Bellaphon/L&R-Records CDLR 581128
erhältlich wo es CDs gibt, z.B.
oder auf Spotify zum Vorhören
Kritiken dazu:
La bonne surprise de cet été 2018 nous arrive d’Outre-Rhin en la personne du guitariste Eddie Kold. (...)
Voici un album qui transpire le Blues et la Soul des quartiers sud et ouest de la Windy City et qui ravira les nombreux amateurs du genre. – Jean-Luc Vabres (ABS-Mag 62, 2018)
Mein Motto, immer mit deiner stärksten Nummer schließend, das machen Eddie Kold und Larry Watkins auch hier. In den mehr als fünf Minuten lang Do The BreakdownSie werfen einen James-Brown-Cracker raus und lassen die ganze Gruppe hören, was sie auf Lager haben, mit Rodney Brown am Saxophon und Vance Kelly an der Gitarre. Klasse. (Jos Verhagen, Blues Magazine NL 2018)
Eddies virtuoses Gitarrenspiel klingt clean, soulig und jazzig.Neben ihm zelebriert ebenso Sänger Larry "Doc" Watkins den Chicago-Blues austrucksstark. (...)
Klar ist, "Eddie Kold Band & Larry Doc Watkins" spielen in der höchsten Blues-Liga. Ein absolutes Muss für die Blues-Sammlung. (Musiker Magazin 3/18, Christian Schöningh DRMV)
A nice set that wouldn´t sound out of place in Delmark´s current catalogue. -
Norman Darwen, Blues & Rhythm No 334 Nov 2018
This is a labor of love from a man who is clearly a real fan of Chicago blues, soul and Rn’B and it’s a disc with some very good songs which is worth seeking out. - John Mitchel, UK (Blues Blast Magazine 2018)